Expert Upper Quadrant Care w/ Virtual Mentorship
Date and time is TBD as course is On Demand
|On Demand course with 2 virtual meetings
Participants will be provided a framework to clinically reason through pain education, manual therapy techniques and motor control activities in common Upper Quadrant conditions using real patient cases to optimize learning and patient care.

Time & Location
Date and time is TBD as course is On Demand
On Demand course with 2 virtual meetings
About the event
Pre-Requisite Course:
Expert Clinical reasoning w/ Virtual Mentorship
This is a 15 hour hybrid online course. Approximately 12 hours total for online video and didactic content with an additional 3 hours of live mentored discussion/case work.
This course is a continuation of out Expert Clinical Reasoining Course where we take a deeper look at Shoulder related conditions down to the Wrist and Hand.
On Demand Content: (12 CEU’s)
1. Musculoskeletal Screening, Imaging and prognostic variables of the Upper Extremity
a. Differential Diagnoses and Imaging
b. Prognostic variables
2. Upper Extremity Examination
a. Examination, Pattern Recognition and special testing
3. Scapulo-Thoracic Mobility Deficits-
a. Scapulothoracic region and Thoracic Outlet syndrome
4. Shoulder Mobility Deficits –
a. The Glenohumeral joint
5. Shoulder Neuromotor Control Deficits
a. Scapulothoracic region and Glenohumeral Joint
6. Shoulder Power and Strength deficits:
a. The glenohumeral subacromial space and post operative care
7. Examination of the elbow and mobility deficits
a. Fracture Screening
8. Elbow Power and Strength Deficits:
a. Lateral Epicondylalgia and Soft tissue injuries of the elbow, wrist, and hand
9. Examination of the Wrist and Hand
a. Fracture Screening
10. Post operative rehabilitation of the elbow, wrist, and hand
11. Neural entrapments and Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
12. Functional and Return to Activity Testing
a. Functional Strengthening
i. Pregression and Progression of Exercises
Live Webinar: (3 CEU’s)
1. Grand Rounds
a. Interactive Webinar integrating learner lead patient case examples to walk through reasoning process and questions
2. Virtual Case
a. Learner demonstration of clinical reasoning process through a patient case provided in a presentation format.
Expert Upper Quadrant Care
From $1,250.00 to $2,000.00- $1,250.00
- $2,000.00